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Opportunity Details
Volunteer General Body Meeting - Anaheim
On Saturday October 21st please join the Islamic Relief USA Volunteer Department for our Fall General Body Meeting. This is a great meeting for new and existing volunteers to meet other volunteers and hear about the projects IRUSA is working on and how you can get involved! The world can be a tough place at times as you see in Myanmar, Palestine, Syria, and beyond! Even our own backyard here in the USA needs our help. We need your help to make it happen. Meeting will be lead by Ali Mir. He is the South-West Regional Volunteer Coordinator! Email Him at AliMir@irusa.org with questions Dinner will be provided! Who Should Attend: Existing Volunteers New Volunteers Social Service Groups in Need of IRUSA Volunteers Community Service Organizers MSA or Student Groups Passionate Human Beings Energized to Help Humanity Meeting Location: iCuisine (Formerly San Giovanni Pizza) 1001 N Euclid St Anaheim CA 92801 ATTENDANCE AS ALWAYS IS FREE. SPREAD THE WORD!
Worldwide Relief
Age Minimum (with Adult): 14+, Minimum Age:18+
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- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
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